Tuesday, December 11, 2012

40 Before 40

I am a total nerd when it comes to "to do" lists. I have them littered around the house and on my desk at work. I will even email myself things to add to my lists so I don't forget! So, it comes as no shock that I wanted to write a 40 Before 40 list of things that I want to accomplish before my 40th birthday. It seems like a long way off right now (I'm 31), but better to start now so I have more time to accomplish everything! Without further adieu, here is my list:

40 Before 40
  1. Pay off debt
  2. Pay off car
  3. Learn to cook a few simple meals
  4. Learn to sew
  5. Go on a road trip
  6. Go to Las Vegas
  7. Go to Temple Gardens (the world famous spa in Moose Jaw) 
  8. Donate money to the Winnipeg Humane Society
  9. Improve my French
  10. Go to Europe
  11. Caribbean vacation with Husband
  12. Fix foundation of house
  13. Fix roof of house
  14. Go to the Maritimes
  15. Paint the house
  16. Go to Pittsburgh
  17. Replace light in master bedroom
  18. Go camping with Husband
  19. Hot air balloon ride
  20. Drive across the Golden Gate Bridge
  21. Walk across the Brooklynn Bridge
  22. Go zip lining
  23. Swim with dolphins
  24. Take a belly dancing class
  25. Learn to ice skate
  26. Go on a girl’s weekend/trip
  27. Write a will
  28. Horseback riding on the beach
  29. Get re-trained in CPR and first aid
  30. Read 10 classic books
  31. See 10 classic movies
  32. Have $10,000 in an emergency fund
  33. Own a pair of Manolo Blahnik’s
  34. Read the Bible
  35. Learn to play tennis
  36. Go without tv for one week
  37. Write a letter to Husband for him to read on his 40th birthday
  38. Organize my closet
  39. Send flowers to someone just because
  40. Do something that isn’t on the list, but should be
Does anyone else have a goals list for a big milestone birthday?


  1. I'm going to be 29 in a few months and I feel like I should have something that I need to do before 30...don't know yet, but I have a few months to think about it : )

    1. I had a list of Goals before 30, some of which are now on this list! :)
