Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 Goals

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Such a cliched statement, but it's very true of me today as the final loan payment comes out and I will have paid off the nasty debt in our life! We still have our car loan that we're working on (just got the car in October), but this other debt was stupid spending from my early/mid-20s. Now, we can have a fresh start - be smarter about our spending, save more money, and set more realistic goals. With that in mind, I wanted to outline my 2012 goals. I did an earlier post on my '12 goals, but this expands on that.

  1. Save $15,000 for a down payment.
  2. Build up emergency fund to $2,500.
  3. Implement the electronic jar system.
  4. Start a baby fund (see #4 in Personal/Health goals).
  1. Work out 3 to 4x a week.
  2. Start doing pilates again.
  3. Stop drinking Diet Pepsi.
  4. Get pregnant. (I know this isn't something I can necessarily control, but hopefully this works out in 2012!)
  1. Finish my certificate in management.
  2. Build up freelance.
  3. Network more.
  4. Gain some management experience.

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