Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First Things First

I found this link up on Wifessionals and thought I'd play along!

Today's First Things First topics are:

1. First thing you would do/buy if you won the lottery?  I would pay off our car loan and our mortgage first and foremost. After that, Husband and I would go on a trip somewhere and just relax and have some fun before we put the rest into savings.
2. First person you call when you get amazing news? Usually I can't get a hold of Husband as he sleeps all day, so either my sister or my best friend Jen. Or I pop into one of my co-worker's cubicles and tell them about it.
3. First thing you do when you've had a bad day? Vent to the closest friend, buy junk food and watch tv.


  1. I definitely would want to go on a nice vacation as well! I would love to travel someplace exotic/tropical/crazy awesome with lotto money!! Glad you joined in and linked up with us today!

    1. It's a great link up idea! I'll be playing along in the future.
