Monday, February 11, 2013

February Goals - Update

  • Lose another 5 lbs. - My motivation has decreased a bit as I don't have diet bets going on and I've had more cheat days than I care to admit (thank you PMS). But I am still losing, so I'm just happy the scale is going in the right direction! Not sure if I can do the 5 lbs. this month though based on how short the month is and how poorly I've been doing so far!
  • Put $500 towards our foundation savings goal. DONE! I had a plan to put $250 away each pay cheque, but thanks to my overtime from last month, I was able to put $600 away already. I'll still be putting in the other $250 when I get paid again too, for $850 total! 
  • Put real pictures in our standing picture frame. Almost done! I sorted through our pictures and got Husband's input on which ones he preferred. I then had to measure the various frames and figure out which pictures should go in which slots and re-size them accordingly. And I sent them to be printed via Shopper's Print Centre online a few days ago. I'm hoping to have them early next week so I can actually put the pictures in the frame before the end of the month. The pictures are various ones from our trips, our wedding, engagement photos and of course, our fur babies!
  • Complete one freelance interview (and article, depending on when the interview falls). No luck so far! BUT, I did get another freelance project (writing and designing two posters) and those are in the works. If I can get those done for the end of the month I'll consider this a pass.
  • Study French. I've been doing a little bit here and there. Husband is good about answering all my French questions that probably seem to come out of nowhere sometimes, so I'm slowly improving my vocab. 
  • Install new light in our master bedroom. DONE! My mom came to install it and she had some difficulties (long story short, but the hole in the ceiling where the wires come out was cut too big), so my friend's dad who is in construction (and who has been amazing since we bought the house) came the next day and got it installed. It's so nice to have a light in our bedroom that is brighter than a candle! 
  • Get taxes done! I'm still waiting for my T4 and a few other documents from the bank. Hopefully will have those soon!

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