Monday, January 14, 2013

January Goals - Update

January can be so depressing - no stat holidays, crappy weather and post-Christmas blues (including those post-Christmas bills!). but I'm trying to make the most of it by crossing a few things off my to do list! 

  • Stick to my diet. I have been rocking this! I will easily achieve my weight loss goal plus some! I'm actually surprised how easy it has been, as I'm still eating a lot, but just super healthy and upping my exercise a little bit.
  • Put $500 towards our foundation savings goal. $250 so far - another $250 on my next pay. 
  • Set up interview for my third freelance article. I still haven't gotten the guy to call/email me back. I will continue to harass him. 
  • Install new light in our master bedroom. Not yet. Husband is not good with electrical work, so I'm hoping to get my mom over to do this (and yes, I kind of find it funny that my mom can do this, but not Husband!).
  • Organize files and receipts. Done! I want to buy this and use it for files, our books, etc. Right now all we have is a cheap bookcase from Walmart that only holds our books and not very well at that! It's on our planned spending list, but not until the fall. 
  • Paint one room. Not done yet and it won't happen now for awhile. We chatted with our contractor on Friday and he said we should wait to do anything cosmetic inside the house until the foundation is done. :(  
  • Start walking home from work again. I have been doing really well at this. The only times I haven't walked home so far were when I had a work vehicle and when there was an incoming blizzard. 


  1. I love lists! Big Fan! I hope you meet some of your goals and feel good about crossing those items off!

  2. I agree with January but one thing that makes it good for us, is Eric's birthday which is coming up this week.

    I didn't know you freelanced. Would you consider writing for GoGirl Finance? Check it out and email me, I can give you more details (I manage the content for it).

    1. Does Eric deserve a birthday celebration after having the gall to hurt himself? ;)

      I would definitely love to write for GoGirl Finance! I'll send you an email right away.
