I rocked my December goals!
- Finish Christmas shopping. DONE!
- Decorate our house for the holidays. DONE! And I snagged some great Christmas stuff on sale after the holidays - some outdoor Christmas lights, a wreath for our front door, some cute little Christmas decor and ribbon garland for our tree.
- Finish second freelance article. DONE!
- Meet with lawyer to figure out the house stuff. DONE!
- Buy the paint! DONE!
- Read Gone With the Wind. With 1,000 pages, I haven't finished, but I've started and am hooked!
- Volunteer for two holiday charities. DONE! We volunteered for Operation Red Nose, which helps keep impaired drivers off the roads during the holidays, and delivered Christmas hampers to needy families.
- Enjoy the holidays! DONE! We had a nice Christmas! It was busy as always (three dinners, but they were at least spread out over three days). And the 12 Days of Christmas was a lot of fun! As much as I love Christmas though, I want to get away next year and just relax on a beach with Husband - no families, no obligations, no shopping - just us, the sun and a pina colada!
- Stick to my diet. I was doing pretty good before the holidays, so I want to get back at it. Hoping to lose 5 pounds this month.
- Put $500 towards our foundation savings goal. This will be on my list of goals for the next six months while we save for the big job.
- Set up interview for my third freelance article.
- Install new light in our master bedroom. We ordered a new light fixture, as the one that came with the house is a small chandelier that hangs right at the end of our bed and we're always running into it or knocking the beads off and it's driving us both nuts. Plus, it is very dim and casts almost no light.
- Organize files and receipts.
- Paint one room. Doesn't matter which; I just want to get part of it done.
- Start walking home from work again. I got off track last month - bad weather, I hurt my foot and it was a busy month which meant I was often rushing home from work. But I got some long underwear for Christmas and a new Lululemon top, so no more excuses!
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